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Rechenschaft Ziehen

Understanding the Meaning and Usage of "Zur Rechenschaft Ziehen"

What is "Zur Rechenschaft Ziehen"?

In German, "Zur Rechenschaft Ziehen" is a verb phrase that translates to "to call to account". It refers to the act of holding someone responsible or accountable for their actions or behavior.

Usage of "Zur Rechenschaft Ziehen"

The phrase "Zur Rechenschaft Ziehen" is typically used in formal or legal contexts to demand an explanation or justification for an action. It implies that the person being held accountable has some degree of responsibility or culpability for the situation.

For example:

  • Der Angeklagte wird für seine Verbrechen zur Rechenschaft gezogen. (The defendant will be held accountable for his crimes.)
  • Die Regierung muss für ihren Umgang mit der Krise zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden. (The government must be held accountable for its handling of the crisis.)

In some cases, "Zur Rechenschaft Ziehen" can also refer to a less formal but still serious demand for explanation or justification. For instance, a parent might "Zur Rechenschaft Ziehen" their child for misbehaving or a teacher might "Zur Rechenschaft Ziehen" a student for not completing an assignment.
